

So my 6th graders are pretty nuts. And not in the fun way my jr highers are.

We had a very boisterous class today. First I went to the kindergarten and played songs while the kids tried a move/freeze game. I was very proud of my skills at Pop! Goes the Weasel and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I also had a dandy time playing our warm-up song, Hello! Hello! Hello!, courtesy of Dean. Our self-introductions went well and some precocious young-uns asked questions. I was invited back any time by one little girl who also shook my hand and said, Nice to meet you! It was great.

Then we wandered over to the elementary school.

Elementary is awesome, don't get me wrong. I've been to first, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grades and I like them all to different extents. I love the fourth grade and they LOVE me. We played our game in class and when they left all the little girls came up to me and said, you speak Japanese, right? Will you speak Japanese to us? (In Japanese) to which I replied, in the classroom I speak English but outside I will speak both English and Japanese to you! But you should practice your English too! At which point they laugh. Silly teacher. Foreign languages are for foreigners. We are Japanese. We speak Japanese. And you are here in Japan. So you speak Japanese.

They really wanted me to play tag with them, which I would have hated to do, because I do not run. So I blamed it on my dress shoes and they agreed with me. Such impractical shoes for playing tag. Or climbing the amazingly insurmountable-looking apparatus that acts as a ten-foot high jungle gym, all gym and no jungle. I will have to take a picture.

Speaking of pictures. A few little gems for the road.

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