
Bare Bones Blogging

Let`s face it. I`ve done tons of cool things since I got to Tano a month ago, and I haven`t uploaded a single picture or noted down a single interesting cultural factoid or anything. The reason behind that is I have been freakishly busy, more busy than I ever was at home. And I`m not very technologically savvy, so sometimes I just don`t make it that far in the world of instant updates. However, since blogger is way faster than my email is, maybe I will start blogging rather than checking my email at work. I mean, in my free time...

Life is good in Tano. I am centrally located in a nice clean large apartment, I have met a lot of new people and participated in many an activity. I go to taiko (drumming on freaking huge drums) regularly, I`ve been to Yoga, Japanese style, I danced in my town`s festival and went to five other towns` festivities, saw more fireworks in one night than I have in three fourth-of-july`s, eaten a ton of fried food, for some inexplicable reason, swum in the river, met some kids, been to drinking parties, and am now getting ready to go school on a regular basis.

They tell me that once school starts, the year flies by. I believe it. Hopefully my next update will be before December.

I can`t remember when my last post was or what it was about. Oh well. On to new things.

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