
JR Highers Continued

I don't know what I am doing wrong, but every time I "insert picture", it tells me I can no longer type anything new. Curse you Google Blogger!!!

Anyhooselbies, my introduction went great. I insisted on explaining my family tree as far back as being not white for the last 100 generations. It is kind of funny, because of course everyone in the class is Japanese and his father was Japanese, and -

And His father was Japanese, and HIS father was Japanese. (And the guy his father bought his house from was Japanese...)  

You get the picture.

*Bonus points for picking up the movie reference.*

Everyone all over the world is not Japanese and may have not been their ethnicity for the past eons. It sounds like a tough concept to grasp, if you lived in such a homogenous society as Japan.

The kids then went around and did little self-intros for me. They recited some things off the blackboard that the teacher wrote down, and by and large I thought they were really making an effort to talk to me, so that was cool. And we totally ran out of time, so we didn't have to play any other repetitive games.

On Tuesday, I showed up for school lunch, which is the other part of my job. Regardless of where or when I go to class, monday - thursday I eat lunch with the kids somewhere. Sometimes at elementary, sometimes JR High. I had lunch with the same class and they were pretty self-controlled. My table was singularly quiet until we had finished our food (as it should be!) and then they started trying to dialogue with me and talking to each other. Actually, the farther the day progressed, the more different kids just walked up to me and tried to have a conversation. So that was cool.

I am looking forward to getting to see the other JR Highers and sharing their actual shenanagens (sp?) with people. They are a hoot and their grasp of English is something to write home about. Next time. This time, eikawa.

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