

Happy dia de ありがとうございます!

I had a taiko performance this morning:

And I made almost no mistakes (even in my duet!)

Then I ran around looking at all the stuff for sale at the rest of the festival. My fifth graders were selling rice and something made from rice, so I bought them both, although I gave the thing made from rice away to a friend.

They also sold huge radishes. I didn't buy any because I don't 
know how to cook them. Or most things...

There were some activities. The brass band club played some ditties. And there was arm wrestling. 

They're Japanese. What'd you expect?

After that I cleaned my house like my life depended on it. The thing is, I thought a friend was coming over for coffee - but she thought she was coming over to pick me up and take me back to her house which is warmer, has a bigger television, a real piano, and a cat. So we did that instead. 

Then I went to lunch at a french restaurant with a friend - half a chicken, apparently, fried and covered with a mayonnaise sauce, green things, and sweet peppers (also a side of rice, some sort of cream soup, and coffee, but this is only the chicken):

It was tre tre tasty.

I played the piano at my friend's house for an hour or so and her cat ran away from me. 

Now I'm drinking the only beer suitable for Enchanted. 

Happy thanksgiving, ya'll!

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