
So about that last post.

The most previous post was supposed to be a comparison shot of a quiet day on a Nahari beach and a day on which during the morning we had a very violently windy and rainy stormish thing. Maybe a mini typhoon? It was pretty horrendous. I rode my bike to the local bakery because I needed bread. Yes, there was an alarm sounding and yes, I almost did get blown off the bridge into the river and swept out to sea. These are the risks you gotta take, people. Panse's bread is like croissants disguised as loafs of bread. It is delicious.

Anyway, Blogger wouldn't let me upload any more videos after that one. So I'm going to try again here. This is (hopefully) a shot of another set of tetrapods the afternoon after the morning of the dreadful storm. It is much greyer and forbidding then the last. And noisier. And I had a bit of a sniffle. Sorry.

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