
Legit Travel Blog Part 4

Wednesday – Head home by 4 PM

Wake up. Check out. Head to Itsukushima Shrine.

Sneak in ahead of Japanese tour groups. Curse and mutter at tourists intent on same experience at simultaneous moment.

Watch part of a buddhist mass. Or a shintoist mass. Not quite sure.

Avoid deer.

Climb pagoda and shrine. Confound locals by skirting provided slippers. Insist not too cold, until after thirty minutes or so when weather turned to sprinkles and clouds. .

Head back to the ferry. Stop for souvenirs. Chat with shop lady and astound Sister and Mom by purchasing many gifts for Office, Junior High, Elementary School, and English conversation class members. Nihonjinpoi. (I am Japanese-like)

Ferry to Miyajimaguchi and train to Hiroshima. Shinkansen to Okayama. Delayed thirty minutes. Yikes. Coffee in Okayama and train to Gomen. Delayed ten minutes. Local train home.

Annoy recently graduated students by trying to secure seats for Mom and Sister which had been eyeballed by previously mentioned students for many stops.  Upon securing seats, find that mother and sister prefer to remain standing. Happily, however, succeeded in irritating kids, so not a total loss.

Make it home.

Try to assure mother that apartment is not as dilapidated as it appears after jet-lag and three hundred mile, five hour train ride. It's not the Ritz, but it's not a hole in the ground, despite the holes in the walls. I promise.

Eat dinner.


Pictures to follow. 

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