
Tea Time

Tea Time in Japan in the little house that used to belong to the Emperor or whomever was the local feudal lord at the time of its building. Japanese tour guides always explain that wherever you are standing used to be someone's summer home or winter home or absolute favorite place in Japan. They must think I know who they are talking about, but I don't really.

The main room of the house where important documents were signed
and business conducted.

I just like all the doors and all the rectangles.

Another cool door. This one leads into a smaller room whose purpose I cannot remember...

A lovely view

Matcha is very bitter so it is served with a little sweet that is usually pure sugar.
First you eat the sweet slowly so that your mouth fills up with sugar.
Then when you drink the matcha, it is less bitter because your mouth is 
still so sweet. 
An interesting theory. But by the dregs of your matcha,
the sweet is pretty much gone. 

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