
The Loop

I`ve been out of it.

My power cord died on October 6th. It was a MacBookPro power cord from about 6 years ago. It finally burned itself to a crisp. Any simultaneous passing of visionary computer thinkers is purely coincidental. So I haven`t been able to upload any pictures (or even charge my camera), nor have I been eager to log in from work and update my little corner of the web.

But I`m doing it today, because I`m basically done for the week. I don`t have to think about next week`s lessons or I already finished preparing them. Sometimes it`s both. It was a satisfactory week as far as teaching went. My classes survived themselves, some of the students actually thrived in the new atmosphere of lots of games, lots of competition. Most of the others made it work and did well. I gave out stickers to my fifth years. And I taught a couple piano lessons. I had my own Japanese lesson with my very patient Japanese teacher who is a member of my eikawa. I told a joke about multilinguistics in my eikawa and they all stared at me blankly. My adult conversation class does very very well until we encounter humor. I`m going to address this with them at a later date.

I also had the most fantastic dinner last night. Damn. Some of the teachers from the Jr High picked me up and we went to a traditional grilling/roasting/broiling place, the name of which I do not know, nor ever knew, and we had a little grill on the table over which we cooked the most succulent and tender beef, tongue, pork, ika, chicken, and something so marbled with white veins of fat that it absolutely melted in my mouth and went straight to my tummy`s emergency flotation supplies. Onions, eggplant, a mixed salad with tomatoes, another mixed salad with broccoli and cauliflower, thick as my wrist fried ebi, all rounded out with a birthday cake (by which I finally realized we were celebrating two teachers` birthdays) and ice cream. Washed down by cold beer and a surprising bottle of Yellow Tail Merlot. They all turned to me as the expert on opening wine bottles, until I pointed out that it was a twist-off cap- slightly anticlimactic, but still indicating my superior experience with red wines.

So to sum up, it`s been good. It`s raining like the dickens here and I just finished drawing up a condensed history of the English language for my adult class. I have to think of a costume for halloween. I don`t even like halloween and I HATE costumes, but I have to think of something. Anime characters are kind of out since I have small boobs, extremely curly hair and I refuse to wear a wig. Maybe I will try to be a pirate... 

1 comment:

Bethanie said...

Be a pirate, mary! Although I think you would make a really pretty anime character, regardless of boobs and straight hair, which aren't all they're cracked up to be in my opinion.

That dinner sounds FABULOUS! I want it for lunch right now! How funny about the wine. (Mmm, that too!) Mary, you're so funny. And the humor thing! It may well be a language/culture thing, but there are certain types of people in the world who always are a bit blank about your humor, even Americans. I always feel sorry for them.

I hope you get a new power cord! (I almost typed chord.)